Monday, September 28, 2009

When I find a book that I really like or even if its just okay, it is usually easy for me to read quickly without getting distracted. If the book confuses me I get distracted pretty easily and need a quiet place to read so that I can understand what is happening in the book. When I start a book I like to finish it unless I really dont understand it. I dont mind reading a book as long as it is semi interesting and I can somehow relate to whats going on.

My favorite place to read is my bed or anywhere warm and comfy. That is where I usually end up reading because of convenience. I read lots of different books but realistic fiction is the easiest kind of book for me to get into and enjoy. I can relate to the characters and see myself in their positions so it keeps me interested in the book. After a long day when i want to relax and forget about the stressful day I usually read.